Liam Magill - Paternity Fraud Case - High Court of Australia

The need to know one's own human biological identity is as strong as the need to have your own family.

The government has no right to take a child away from a biological parent unless it is proven that the child is in danger and needs to be protected from the biological parents.

Yet, with conclusive studies that show between 10% and 16% of the general population are victims of paternity deceit, there are not any laws to protect the most vulnerable people in our society, our newborn babies.

Women Liars
National Survey UK
5,000 women

Scotland's National Newspaper

96% of women are liars, honest

The Scotsman, Scotland's National Newspaper
December 2004

NINETEEN out of 20 women admit lying to their partners or husbands, a survey on attitudes to truth and relationships has found.

Eighty-three per cent owned up to telling "big, life-changing lies", with 13 per cent saying they did so frequently.

Half said that if they became pregnant by another man but wanted to stay with their partner, they would lie about the baby's real father.

Forty-two per cent would lie about contraception in order to get pregnant, no matter the wishes of their partner.

And an alarming 31 per cent said they would not tell a future partner if they had a sexual disease: this rises to 65 per cent among single women.