Liam MaGill

Paternity Fraud in Australia
Australian father's lawsuit against ex-wife


�A Landmark Decision�

By Vivien Mavropoulos, Instructing Solicitor for Liam Magill

On January 31, 2002, Mr. Magill issued proceedings in the County court based on the law of deceit. Mr. Magill alleged that he suffered loss and damages for loss of earnings and use of moneys and also for personal injuries, comprising severe anxiety and depression in consequence of false representations made by Mrs Magill as to the paternity of two of their three children.

On November 22,  2002, His Honour Judge Hanlon of the County Court found that Mrs. Magill had no genuine belief in her assertions that Mr. Magill was the father of the two children or at the very least was reckless as to that belief and awarded $70,000.00 in Mr. Magill�s   more...
